Early Intervention is a federal program under the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention which is administered state by state. Early Intervention is a publicly funded resource which provides services and supports for babies and young children with developmental delays and disabilities. Every infant discharged from a NICU is referred to Early Intervention and is eligible to receive long term services including speech, physical and occupational therapy, among others. The goal of the program is for prevention of health problems and promotion of optimal health, restoring or improving functioning and maximizing developmental potential. Full-term infants who present after birth with health conditions or challenges, including feeding problems and nutritional needs, can also be referred to the program for in-home services at no cost to the family. Breastfeeding support by the IBCLC fits the goals of this program.
Advocacy opportunity: Contact your state or territory Early Intervention Agency at: https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/actearly/parents/states.html#textlinks and advocate for utilization of IBCLCs within Early Intervention teams to provide technical assistance, training, or the direct delivery of clinical lactation care to families eligible for Early Intervention.
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